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Hardware & Software development
for wearables

At the heart of our wearables

Hardware development

Our hardware developers have different backgrounds, ranging from biomechanical engineering, electronics engineering, and human factors & haptic feedback research & development. What they have in common is the experience of designing and integrating their hardware components into wearables.

However, integrating hardware and sensors into wearables involves balancing complex issues, like elasticity, waterproofing, washability, and manufacturing possibilities. But also, achieving static placement on mobile people, preventing interference from movement and the skin’s electrical field, etc.

At Elitac Wearables, we have over 45 years’ combined experience developing wearables with integrated sensors. These range from complex motion sensors (Mission Navigation Belt), accelerometers (BalanceBelt), light sensors (SmartShoulder), stretch sensors (SmartShirt), to gas sensors and more. We can therefore advise our development partners on the most efficient and cost-effective way to integrate sensors into their wearable.

Software development

Embedded Software or Firmware is the glue that connects the electronics and makes it all work nice and smoothly. It’s an essential element of wearable development.

Our software developers are jacks of all trades: they can code quick-and-dirty code, such as Arduino, for mockups and Proof of Concept prototyping. But as soon as the requirements start to take shape in the form of a Minimal Viable Product (MVP), they will start to write reliable and releasable code.

They are not afraid to test their own creations and enter into the field neither. Our software developers actually go along on our field tests to test and improve the functioning and usability of our wearables.

At Elitac Wearables, we have developed our propriety software called TacOS (short for Tactile Operating System), custom-made for wearable development. It allows for faster, cheaper, and smaller (microchip size) product development.

Prototyping, Testing & Validation

Because we aim to develop wearables from idea to market-ready product, we focus  on developing wearables that are fit for purpose, durable and have great signal quality. Therefore we spent quite some time and effort to prototyping, testing and validation. For example we:

  • Develop new electronics and textile integration techniques for future wearables, for example the Weafing project.
  • Optimise lab-proven integration techniques for real-world applications, for example for Danu Sports Smart Sock.
  • Explore and validate new applications for existing technologies and/or wearables, for example the Gaitkeeper project.
  • Push the limitations of current techniques and make them more widely applicable.

Contact us

Contact us to find out how we can help you to develop your wearable product

Intrigued to work in the wearables industry?

Do you want to improve people’s lives with your engineering skills? We are always on the lookout for talent. Especially for Hardware and Software developers.

Check out our career site and let’s get in touch!

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