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We’re very proud of our new colleague Christina Bodenstein who successfully defended her PhD thesis in the field of printed electronics yesterday, in front of professors from the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Technical University of Darmstadt. In true Corona style, the ceremony was conducted via videoconference, with members of the examination committee calling in from Germany and Christina from the Elitac Wearables office in the Netherlands.

Afterwards, she said that she was grateful for all the positive feedback she had received, and that the examination could still go ahead despite the current situation. Congratulations, Christina! It’s a pity we need to postpone the celebrations, but we hope to raise a glass to your success soon, when we’re all together at the office again!

On-going research on the integration of electronics into textiles

We expect great things from Christina. She joined Elitac Wearables in March to coordinate Elitac Wearables’ on-going research on the integration of electronics into textiles and its practical applications. This includes leading Elitac Wearables’ activities in the H2020 WEAFING project, which aims to develop revolutionary garments for haptic stimulation through textile actuators and sensors.

Are you looking for a partner in your R&D project on integration techniques or a partner to develop your Proof-of-Concept into a commercial wearable? Get in touch here.

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Author Dani van Weert

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