YES! With the BalanceBelt, we are participating in the National Healthcare Innovation Prize 2022: the Dutch innovation prize in the field of healthcare and well-being.
In this competition, we have a chance to win €15,000, professional guidance in the further development of our innovative BalanceBelt and access to a valuable network.
Follow us in the coming months during the regional preliminary rounds and hopefully the national final!
@StichtingZorgInnovatieNederland @HealthHolland @Menzis @HealthyAgeingNetworkNorthernNetherlands @HealthValleyNetherlands @EIZTExpertisecentrumvoorinnovatievezorgentechnologie @CoöperatieSlimmerLeven @CareInnovationCenterWestBrabant @ROMUtrechtRegion @Medical @DeltaAmsterdamEconomicBoard
#nationale #zorg #innovatie #prijs #2022